Financial Reporting on force.com
Get a unique Finacial Reporting Engine built on Force.com. Traditional force.com Reports & Dashboards are good for simple reporting, not for financial reporting where you need Year over Year or Side by Side amount comparision and more. We have now a unique Accounting and Financial Reporting Engine to give you best of both worlds - Force.com Reports & Dashboards and AccountingBook extended Financial Reporting.
Financial Reporting Engine
Streamline your Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance and more. Create your core financial report and simplify your consolidated financial statement for easy analysis.

Standard Force.com Reports and Dashboards
Get an easy access to all the Pre-built reports to assist you with your standard reports. You can now easily customize, create and share reports and dashboards with simple drag & drop feature.
Easily Customizable
AccountingBook is flexible and tailor made to your business needs. What more you can easily customize as per your unique requirements.