General Ledger Accounts
Extremely simple, fast and result driven! AccountingBook retains all your accounting transactions like, balance-sheet, trail balance, P/L account and any other financial records. You can now have a main page detailing an overview of your bookkeeping. You can also derive balance-sheet and profit-and-loss statement from it.
Chart of Accounts
AccountingBook can now store chart of your accounts which includes, Name of Account, Account Numbers, Hierarchy Accounts, Account Types etc. to retain a life-time records of your company under single platform. You can now access your transaction details anytime and from anywhere.

Account Hierarchy
Now your company can retain its hierarchical records too. AccountingBook can retain the branched out links of your various accounts in chronological order and under a centralized platform making it easy to be referred in future for any business purpose! It can also help take informed and accurate business decisions.
Journal Entry Recording
Tracking and analyzing made safe and simple. All your accounting transactions are recorded through journal entries that show account names, amounts, and whether those accounts are recorded in debit or credit side of accounts.

All your accounting transactions are now recorded and retained safely! Leveraging various modules like, accounts payable, accounts receivable and trail balance, maintain all your accounting data under a single space for easy access and process! A complete accounting information suit for all your accounting and financial needs! Offering an automated tool to work for making things simpler, safer and faster for your business.